Trying to find better insurance prices for a Mercedes-Benz E320 in Nevada can normally be an all-consuming task, but you can learn our auto insurance buying tips to make it easier. There are more efficient ways to compare auto insurance rates and you need to know the proper way to get price quotes for your Mercedes-Benz and obtain the lowest possible price from both online companies and Nevada agents.
It’s a good habit to get comparison quotes periodically because prices trend upward over time. If you had the best deal on E320 coverage last year you will most likely find a better rate today. Starting now, block out anything you think you know about auto insurance because you’re about to learn the easiest way to save on auto insurance.
If you have car insurance now, you will be able to cut costs considerably using this information. Shopping for more affordable coverage is quite easy. Although Nevada vehicle owners must know how big insurance companies price insurance differently and take advantage of how the system works.
Why you might be paying too much to insure your Mercedes-Benz E320
Smart consumers have a good feel for some of the elements that go into determining your auto insurance rates. Having a good understanding of what determines base rates helps enable you to make changes that could result in big savings.
- Rate your vehicle for proper use – Driving more miles in a year’s time the higher your rates will be. Most companies charge to insure your cars determined by how the vehicle is used. Cars not used for work or commuting receive lower rates than those used for commuting. Improper usage on your E320 can cost quite a bit. Ask your agent if your auto insurance coverage is showing the proper vehicle usage, because improper ratings can cost you money.
- How credit affects auto insurance rates – Credit score is a important factor in calculating your auto insurance rates. If your credit is lower than you’d like, you could pay less to insure your Mercedes-Benz E320 by improving your credit score. Drivers who have high credit scores tend to be better drivers and file fewer claims than drivers with poor credit.
- High deductibles save money – Deductibles for physical damage represent how much money you are willing to pay out-of-pocket in the event of a claim. Physical damage insurance, commonly called comprehensive (or other-than-collision) and collision coverage, is used to repair damage to your car. A few examples of covered claims are colliding with a building, damage from fire, and windstorm damage. The more you have to pay, the bigger discount you will receive on E320 coverage.
- An active claims history can cost you – Insurance companies in Nevada give lower rates to insureds who file claims infrequently. If you file claims often, you can expect either policy cancellation or increased premiums. Auto insurance is designed for the large, substantial claims.
- Your spouse saves you money – Getting married actually saves money on your policy. Having a significant other means you’re more mature and responsible and it’s proven that being married results in fewer claims.
- Higher safety ratings means cheaper insurance – Safer cars tend to have better insurance rates. These vehicles protect occupants better and fewer injuries translates into fewer and smaller insurance claims passed on to you as lower rates. If the Mercedes-Benz E320 earned at least four stars on or an “acceptable” rating on it may be receiving lower rates.
- Liability coverage protects you – Your policy’s liability coverage provides coverage in the event that a court rules you are at fault for causing damage or personal injury in an accident. It provides legal defense starting from day one. Liability is cheap as compared to coverage for physical damage, so do not cut corners here.
These discounts can slash auto insurance rates
Auto insurance companies do not list every available discount very clearly, so we took the time to find some of the best known and also the lesser-known discounts you could be receiving.
- Accident Free – Good drivers with no accidents can earn big discounts compared to drivers who are more careless.
- Passive Restraints and Air Bags – Vehicles equipped with air bags and/or automatic seat belt systems can get savings of more than 20%.
- Multi-car Discount – Insuring more than one vehicle on one policy could earn a price break for each car.
- Accident Forgiveness – Some insurance companies will forgive one accident without raising rates so long as you haven’t had any claims prior to the accident.
- Seat Belt Usage – Requiring all passengers to buckle their seat belts could save 15% off the personal injury premium cost.
- Safe Driver Discount – Drivers who avoid accidents can pay as much as 50% less on E320 coverage than drivers with accidents.
- Auto/Home Discount – When you combine your home and auto insurance with one insurance company you may earn up to 20% off your total premium.
- Employee of Federal Government – Simply working for the federal government could cut as much as 10% off on E320 coverage with select insurance companies.
As a disclaimer on discounts, many deductions do not apply to your bottom line cost. The majority will only reduce the price of certain insurance coverages like comprehensive or collision. So even though they make it sound like having all the discounts means you get insurance for free, auto insurance companies aren’t that generous.
When might I need the advice of an agent?
When it comes to buying proper insurance coverage, there really is no one size fits all plan. Every situation is different.
Here are some questions about coverages that may help you determine if your situation will benefit from professional help.
- Can I afford to buy a different vehicle if my Mercedes-Benz E320 is totaled?
- Do I benefit by insuring my home with the same company?
- Will I be non-renewed for getting a DUI or other conviction?
- Do I have coverage when pulling a U-Haul trailer?
- Is my business laptop covered if it gets stolen from my vehicle?
- Does liability extend to a camper or trailer?
- Can I afford to pay high deductible claims out of pocket?
- Do I need rental car coverage?
- How do I file an SR-22 for a DUI in Nevada?
- Do I have coverage for damage caused while driving under the influence?
If it’s difficult to answer those questions but a few of them apply, then you may want to think about talking to an insurance agent. If you don’t have a local agent, fill out this quick form.
For more Nevada car insurance information
More tips and info about auto insurance can be read at the Nevada Division of Insurance website. Consumers can view a list of available companies, read industry bulletins, download brochures, and file complaints about an insurance agent or broker.
The articles below may also help you learn more about auto insurance in Nevada

A little work can save a LOT of money
Cheap Mercedes-Benz E320 insurance is possible on the web in addition to many Nevada insurance agents, so compare prices from both so you have a total pricing picture. Some insurance providers do not provide online price quotes and usually these small insurance companies provide coverage only through local independent agents.
Drivers switch companies for many reasons like being labeled a high risk driver, poor customer service, denial of a claim or even unfair underwriting practices. It doesn’t matter why you want to switch switching auto insurance companies can be pretty painless.
While you’re price shopping online, do not reduce needed coverages to save money. There are too many instances where consumers will sacrifice physical damage coverage and found out when filing a claim that it was a big error on their part. Your strategy should be to purchase a proper amount of coverage at an affordable rate.